Hello everyone! And Happy New Year!
I’m starting a new feature on my facebook page in 2017. You can see my facebook page here:
DesignsbyDonnaAtlanta facebook page
It’s called Tips and Tools Tuesdays. Each Tuesday, I’ll be sharing a tip or a tool I use in the workroom, or when designing a new product, or when creating here at Designs by Donna. I’m even going to share with you some of the mistakes, or learning opportunities as I like to call them, I’ve made during my days of owning a custom soft furnishings workroom since 1987. By sharing my mistakes I’m hoping to help those just entering the industry who may benefit from what not to do, rather than finding out the hard way as I sometimes did. You see, when I started my business, there weren’t many people I could reach out to for answers.
I hope you’ll find these helpful and maybe even inspirational as you go through your days during 2017.
Here’s my first tip for you in 2017. Take time for yourself every day. Put yourself first. Sounds kind of selfish, doesn’t it? At first, maybe so. But think about it ………….. if you don’t take time for yourself every day, who will? Spending a little time reading, exercising, and eating healthy foods will help to get you into tiptop shape. Mentally and physically. I find I am more creative and my mind is more clear when I take time for myself each day. You can watch the video in the link below, but be sure to read the entire post as I share additional information in this blog.
Your life is busy. Your children need you. Your aging parents need you. Your spouse or partner needs you. Your job needs you. Your clients need you. Your pets need you. Whew, does it ever end? It can!
Are you a morning person? Get up a little earlier. Give yourself time during the quiet hours to treat yourself to doing something which brings you joy or helps to recharge your mental attitude. Not a morning person? You can do the same things towards the end of your day instead. Think this may be difficult to fit into your day? Try starting with just five minutes a day for a month. As you start seeing the benefits try increasing the amount of time little by little.
I’m going to present to the WCAA Virtual Chapter on February 14th, 2017. The topic is Yoga For the Workplace. I’ll share ways to incorporate yoga into your daily life, from the time you wake up until you go to bed at night. No more excuses for those who say they don’t have time to go to a yoga class! It’s Valentine’s Day so love yourself enough to attend the presentation! A link the the chapter’s facebook page is below.
WCAA Virtual Chapter
I’ll see you next week with my next Tips and Tools Tuesday. Have a week filled with joy and remember to take time for yourself every day!
I’d love to hear from you. Let me know in the comment section below how you are taking care of yourself and if you are seeing the benefits. Be well!